Business & Not-for-Profit Law
Whether you are involved in the business or the not-for-profit world, TLC Legal is here to help you minimize risk and maximize potential returns for your business, corporation or organization.
Business Legal Services
Owning and managing a small business can be challenging in a rapidly changing economy. TLC Legal is here to help by delivering advice and services tailored to each business' particular situation. Our services for businesses include:
Establishment and incorporation
Shareholder and partnership agreements
Corporate reorganization including amalgamation, dissolution and winding up
Drafting and reviewing of employment and independent contractor agreements
Corporate governance reviews
Director and Officer liability education
Charity and Not-for-Profit Legal Services
Canadian charities and not-for-profits exist to provide philanthropic services to individuals inside and outside of Canada. TLC Legal will help your charities and not-for-profit organizations by ensuring that they continue to provide these altruistic services while abiding with the high-standards required of them under Canadian law.
At TLC Legal, we provide continuing education to the boards of charitable and not-for-profit organizations to ensure they are meeting all the requirements of their incorporating legislation, the Income Tax Act and the Canada Revenue Agency. Our services to charities and not-for-profits also include the following:
Organization and Incorporation under appropriate legislation
Drafting of corporate by-laws
Drafting of charitable applications to CRA
Assisting with governance changes
Assisting with CRA audits
Amalgamations, Mergers and Dissolutions
Drafting and reviewing independent contractor agreements
Drafting and reviewing employment agreements
Policy Drafting
Directors and Officers liability education
Assisting with transitions under the ONCA